話說之前同朋友去左Elements間Caffe Vergnano 1882食晚餐,用左goodtimes卡既優惠...不過照我理解,優惠應該係惠顧食品半價,最多可以扣$200...但係餐廳就話最多只可以扣$100...咁因為我無帶本書仔出黎,就唯有接受餐廳只係扣除$100...不過餐廳話只要証明到係佢地錯,會退番錢俾我~
於是第二日我就拎埋本書仔去,點知佢地睇左段文字都話我理解錯誤....雖然我知我英文唔好,但係我未至於理解能力有問題喎..."The Discount may be limited to a maximum value. For example, for the offer "save 50% off the food bill - max value $100" you will save $100 on any food bill greater than $200, you will save 50% of the amount (i.e. if the food bill is $150, you will save $75)." -->咁佢地係max value $200,有咩理由最多扣$100呢???但係既然佢地係都要咁講,我再爭拗落去都係無用既,於是我決定番去寫投訴信~
Dear Miss Yan,
I refer to your e-mail from Goodtimes about the confusion of the Goodtimes membership discount by our staff.
I would like to apologize for the error made by our company in confusing the discount details. As a result of our investigation, we found that our new staff made a confusion with another discount offered by another media. From the bill, it showed you had spent $448, to the goodtimes offer, you'll save $200. Therefore, your actual payment is $248, but only $100 was deducted.
To prevent re-occurrences we have improved staff orientation and training. We assure you that this will not happen again.
Would you come to our Elements shop at your leisure for the return payment $100 or
if you don't want to refund, you can choose a pizza in the a la carte menu in any price.
To show our goodwill, we would like to offer you a Caffe Vergnano 1882 coupon book to compensate you for the inconvenience.
We look forward to receiving your further visit. Thank you!
Yours sincerely,
Ivan Cheung
Creative Director & Marketing
而另外個本coupon book,其實就係有好多張$5 coupon,岩用黎叫野飲用lor,不過睇黎我都無咩機會用架啦,慳得$5咁少,哈哈~