2007年9月29日 星期六

Written test of Economist



入到試場竟然見到大學時系內極受歡迎既tutor - Demond呀佢係監考員呢~~話時話,上次同大學同學食飯先提起過呢位tutor,只知畢業時佢入左HKMA(金管局),原來佢宜家去左EABFU(經濟分析及方便營商處)~~

請Economist果然係唔同d既,份卷真係考Econ concept架喎~~6條問題要全答,限時2個鐘~~6條之中,有2條唔識,因為真係唔記得左啦(雖然我記得係學過,只要俾我睇番下就一定記得),另外個幾條應該無問題卦

等我以有限既記憶寫低番呢6條問題,或者仲有機會再考Economist既話就有past paper參考勒(份卷寫住係January 07架,我諗係番用既)

1. a) Explain briefly what meant by "mutiplier effect" in nation income. b) In small and open economy like Hong Kong, is the mutiplierbigger or smaller compare with the big economy like U.S. c) If the mutiplier of infrausture spending in Hong Kong is 0.7, what is the effect of GDP if spending extra $100mn in infrausture.(11 marks)

2. a) China consumer price VS China consumer price inflation b) China consumer price VS HK price inflation c) Why it is possible if China conusmer price increase, the U.S. price level continous be lower. (18 marks)

3. a) Explain briefly on the layman's term of "Type I" and "Type II" error in decision making. b) Explain briefly on the similarity and different in coorelation and causel relationship for time profile of two economic variable. c) "Weaker US dolloar make oil price increase from $70 to $71" Use concept "b" to justify this statement and use concept "a" to explain the wrong expectation. (20 marks)

4. a) Note the diagram and indicate the 3 key observation. b)Why the rate of increase of employment earning of "All Worker" is higher than each catergory of education breakdown. (17 marks)

5. Please explain what economic effect if statuorary minimium wage for lower income worker applied.(16 marks)

6. "香港對國內的經濟地位及影響下跌,此情況將會持續,前景並不樂觀"請評論及提供理據。(18 marks)

就係上面呢6條啦(除左第6條用中文答,其他都用英文答),正確字眼當然有出入啦,不過大致上係咁既意思勒~~我就係唔識第1,3同埋4b勒~~其實我記得mutiplier effect好容易下架咋,不過突然之間問起真係唔記得晒~~而第3條呢,我對type I,type II error有少少印象,不過一向唔多用,所以真係唔記得勒~~4b又計唔到喎...oh,d野俾番晒老師lu...不過我諗未至於唔合格既,我見周圍d人交卷都好多空白左,睇黎大家都係唔識呢幾題架啦~~




5 則留言:

  1. 我的econ 係去到中五程度咋!

  2. 我在大學時讀過一、兩科economics,但現在都只係記得少少嘢,唔做個行都唔記得!

  3. Happy Girl:係呀,呢d理論野真係讀書個陣先會用,宜家又點會記得呀~ 敏敏敏:唔緊要,大把人無讀econ都對經濟好有研究啦~

  4. 我係個scientist, 淨係識得細錢 完全唔知你講乜呀 幫唔到你

  5. KT:唔明唔緊要,有錢使就得啦
