yan, hubby told me how to bake 蟶子la~ 1. sauce: QB sauce (Jap style mayo), 豆板醬, garlic & pepper <=mix them up for latter use 2. first wash the 蟶子, boil them with shells in boiling water for 7-8 seconds. (飛水) pre-heat the oven & bake them for 2 mins using 150'c. take them out & put the sauce on them. bake for a while until the sauce change into golden brown. try it & tell me the result ar.
吳太, 我都未吃過蟶子呢... 是海鮮類嗎???
回覆刪除that pig pot is cute! next time u can try mayo sauce bake 蟶子 in the oven. taste gd ga. I can ask my hubby for details if u wanna try~
回覆刪除Miffy:哈哈,係呀,個豬豬沙煲好Q架~~如果有你老公既煮食心得就當然最好啦,我老公就得把口 七七:係呀,蟶子係貝殼類海產,就好似扇貝個類...好食架~
回覆刪除吳太, 因為我好少吃海鮮呢.... 咭咭... 所以好多都唔識呢~~ 哈~~
回覆刪除brtspec:哈哈,唔好讚我咁多喎 ,不過呢餐其實煮得唔係幾好咋~~
回覆刪除yan, hubby told me how to bake 蟶子la~ 1. sauce: QB sauce (Jap style mayo), 豆板醬, garlic & pepper <=mix them up for latter use 2. first wash the 蟶子, boil them with shells in boiling water for 7-8 seconds. (飛水) pre-heat the oven & bake them for 2 mins using 150'c. take them out & put the sauce on them. bake for a while until the sauce change into golden brown. try it & tell me the result ar.